4 Ways That Hemp-Derived CBD Products May Benefit Your Dog

Humans and dogs are more alike than many people realize, including biologically. That’s why some human prescription and over-the-counter medications can also be used to treat dogs, with veterinary oversight, of course. That similarity also explains why hemp-derived CBD tincture oils and other CBD products have become so popular for humans and our canine companions. Pet owners across the country choose hemp-derived CBD products for their dogs for many of the same benefits humans get. The following are a few of the benefits hemp-derived CBD may provide for your four-legged friend.

CBD Oil for Dogs

Choose Hemp-Derived CBD Oil for Your Dog

The popularity of hemp-derived CBD products for dogs has resulted in a variety of available options. Those options include a lot of CBD treats for dogs. However, not all hemp-derived CBD dog treats are created the same and may even have variations in CBD content from batch to batch. It’s best to buy CBD oil for dogs to ensure that the hemp-derived CBD serving size is as precise as possible, rather than CBD-infused treats.

Hemp-Derived CBD for Joints

Not unlike their human counterparts, joint issues are an unfortunately common problem for dogs as they age. Joint concerns can result in your pooch experiencing stiffness, mobility issues, and discomfort. Just as an increasing number of people choose hemp-derived CBD products for relief from joint-related discomfort, more pet owners are doing so for their dogs.

Hemp-Derived CBD for Nervousness

Unfortunately, it’s not just physical discomfort that dogs and their people have in common. Dogs can experience nervousness, anxious feelings, and stress just like we can. It can be an environmental issue, like loud noises like thunderstorms, fireworks, or the vacuum cleaner. It can also be situational, like car rides or in the case of separation anxiety. And some dogs are just more nervous than others. The promotion of relaxation is one of the most popular benefits of hemp-derived CBD for dogs and their people. If your dog could benefit from something that can help promote relaxation, consider hemp-derived CBD oil.

Hemp-Derived CBD for Skin and Coat

Not all of the benefits of hemp-derived CBD are symptom-related. For instance, hemp-derived CBD is an increasingly common ingredient in topical and beauty products. CBD derived from hemp appears in products to help support the hair, skin, and even nails. If hemp-derived CBD products are in demand among humans for topical support, there is no reason that their pups shouldn’t be able to benefit from the same advantages. If hemp-derived CBD can contribute to hair and skin support for your dog, all the better.

About CBDistillery™

A team of Colorado natives founded CBDistillery™ in 2016 after becoming fed up with the hemp-derived CBD marketplace, which was dominated by overpriced, low-quality CBD products. They made it their goal to provide the purest, most potent, and highest quality hemp-derived CBD products to consumers at a fair price. CBDistillery’s hemp-derived CBD products include their signature line of tincture oils derived from hemp, hemp-derived 500 mg CBD capsules, hemp-derived CBD gummies, topical hemp-derived CBD products, and more. CBDistillery remains dedicated to the utmost transparency, ensuring the high level of quality they’re known for. Each hemp-derived CBD product is clearly labeled with its CBD content, and every product includes links to third-party lab test results. If you have been wondering where you can buy CBD oil online, your answer is CBDistillery.

Support your dog’s well-being with hemp-derived CBD from CBDistillery at https://www.thecbdistillery.com/


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